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In an ever-changing landscape, these shifts have challenged us to redefine the way we live, learn, work and shape our society. As organizations try to navigate the complexities of the global polycrisis — a convergence of systemic risks and events — they are required to act with a sense of urgency to tackle these challenges. Despite modest progress in Malaysia, more women are involved in key decision-making roles today, highlighting that organizations are on the right track towards creating a level playing field for their growth and transformation. With key risk factors ranging from geopolitical to economic, it is necessary for organizations to remain agile in response to such changes. According to the Global Female Leaders Outlook 2023, female managers are navigating these challenges with an overall positive outlook for the future, even in unprecedented times.

Initiated since 2018, for this year’s survey, KPMG presents insights gathered from 839 top female executives from more than 55 countries, including Malaysia. Incorporated with the perspectives of female leaders, this study offers valuable insights into championing women leaders, identifying organizational gaps and exploring their ability to bring resilience into leadership while seizing new opportunities in times of crisis. Even with the invisible workload of managing their households, as reported by most participants in this study, their dedication and drive to succeed indicate the importance of organizations to rethink a culture that promotes greater equality. Diversity has proven to be an invaluable asset in fostering an innovative and productive business environment across organizations. Female leaders continue to play a pivotal role in breaking glass ceilings, encouraging transparency, accelerating sustainable initiatives and shaping future-oriented change.

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