About the Report

Proposed Tax Initiatives & Revenue Measures

The Gh Bankers’ voice is a publication by the Ghana Association of Banks with KPMG as knowledge partner. It is an annual publication that features articles and interviews from key experts in the banking, finance and technology sector.

Global Economic Crisis: Leveraging Opportunities for the Financial Ecosystem

This Edition has several articles that provide insights on the global economy; Ghana’s economic landscape and context; and how banks are particularly raising their heads above the storm in discharging their important mandate of financial intermediation in our market. 

In times of economic crisis, history prompts us that the strongest amongst us rise to the occasion. Throughout history, societies faced with adversity have birthed innovations that transformed the world. From the Great Depression’s birth of the modern welfare state to the emergence of fintech disruptors from the 2008 financial crisis, challenges have usually triggered transformative shifts. 

Today, as we confront another global economic storm, we find ourselves at a crossroad: would we merely weather this storm, or we would seize the chance to chart novel course towards brighter and more promising future? 

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