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Careers at KPMG Luxembourg

What do you do at KPMG?



Meet Francesca

I help our clients achieve their business goals, control risk and transform the manual processing of large amounts of data into a smart automated approach.


Assistant Manager, Risk Management Services

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Meet Alexandre

We offer our clients a wide variety of valuation services to help them invest in the right assets and companies to provide the most value and create sustainable growth.


Manager, Corporate Finance & Strategy

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What do you do at KPMG?



What do you do at KPMG?



Meet Aziza

With tailor-made tax consulting our clients get their taxation right. We have all taxation aspects covered so our clients can have peace of mind and focus on their investments.


Tax Manager, Alternative Investments

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Meet Fabio

Trust and credibility require transparency, accuracy and compliance. I take pride in being able to verify the soundness of my clients' financial statements.


Manager, Private Equity

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What do you do at KPMG?



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What are your aspirations, career expectations and special skills? Be yourself, be clear, be specific – we’d love to hear from you!

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We offer more than jobs. With our flexible work model, you can enjoy work and rest and recharge. Our competitive compensation packages, paid time away from work, recognition bonuses and dedicated programs for personal development and wellbeing help to keep everyone refreshed and motivated.

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We love fresh ideas and are seeking people with an entrepreneurial mindset who dare to innovate. Luxembourg will only further become a global financial hub, and you could be a part of this exciting chapter helping to cultivate the future of business.


Roll up your sleeves and get ready to make the most of the many opportunities available to you! During your onboarding, you'll get to enjoy exciting team building activities and dedicated trainings to kick off our path together to the top!