Nature loss is a systemic, global issue that affects us all, and the speed and scale of this loss is the highest in history. Businesses should not only view nature as a risk to their business, but also an opportunity.

Explore our library of insights aimed at helping organizations understand how and where their activities interface with nature, and how to start taking action to manage them.

The time is now to get started on your nature journey.

Towards nature positive

Human pressures on nature have increased substantially over time, with land use change, climate change and pollution all contributing to unprecedented nature loss. Halting and reversing this loss is a significant challenge, bringing with it risks to corporate and financial stability, but also opportunities.

All businesses depend on nature and its services either directly or through their value chains, and those businesses that are highly reliant on nature are considered ‘most at risk’ from the consequences of nature degradation

Biodiversity and the blue economy

Countries around the world are looking to transition to a “green” economy that’s low in carbon, socially inclusive and resource efficient. In its simplest form, green has become short for a sustainable social, environmental and economic future.

While the world's attention has been caught by the direct terrestrial implications of the green agenda, the blue economy hasn’t been prioritized to date. The “green” economy should include the sustainable use of oceanic resources, but the pivotal role of the oceans in limiting temperature rises and stimulating socioeconomic development has been comparatively absent from the transition towards a “green” global economy.

The blue economy is central to the green ecosystem: oceans influence all-natural cycles and are also directly or indirectly involved with economic sectors. Oceans produce up to 70 percent of the oxygen we breathe, while nearly 40 percent of the world's population depends on marine and coastal biodiversity for livelihood. For these reasons, the “blue” component of the “green” transition to a more sustainable global economy shouldn’t be overlooked.

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KPMG professionals help clients develop responsible and sustainable strategies, business and operating models, and investments. Learn how KPMG firms leverage the latest research, skills, influence and resources to help build and deliver approaches for clients’ business needs. 

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