A bold new customer-centric future awaits government and public services and there is no time to lose for leaders to consider whether their current investment plans effectively capitalise on known opportunities, align with customer and community expectations, and deliver the future we want to see.

Change that meets the rapid pace of digital innovation and customer expectations has become inevitable for organisations hoping to provide modern services that support the people and communities they serve. Public sector leaders should decide if they need to transform or optimise.

What is KPMG’s Connected Enterprise for Government and Public Sector?

It is our approach to citizen-centric digital transformation. It aligns every critical process, function, and relationship of the organisation to meet citizen expectations, create business value and drive sustainable growth in a digital world.

KPMG’s Connected Enterprise for Government framework features a well-established toolkit to support and help accelerate government transformation initiatives. The framework strategically addresses core business drivers with a focus on the following key areas and requirements.



Operating-model transformation is required where an organisation has significantly changed its strategic ambition or requires a fundamental shift in its value proposition and business model.


Operating-model optimisation is where an organisation needs to improve its organisational effectiveness and efficiency in order to help improve performance, meet its strategic ambition and enact its business model.


Benchmark your organisation

How far are you towards a connected healthcare organisation?


Whichever path you choose, the building blocks are the same for public sector:


Review purpose, strategy and mission


Adopt a target-operating model


Modernise technology


Improve core capabilities to deliver the mission

What are the 8 Connected capabilities?

The KPMG Connected Enterprise for Government approach is designed to help public sector organisations assess their existing capabilities, identify capability gaps, and manage the transformation hurdles across the enterprise to design and embrace the future of their sector.

Eight capabilities, for twice the impact

The most successful organisations invest in eight capabilities which span all areas of the customer experience. This ensures a connected organisation that goes beyond cross-channel interactions.

Those that invest in all eight capabilities are twice as likely to meet customer expectations, achieve objectives and deliver return on investment.

Click on a capability box to discover more.

The connected future of public sector

Our connected capability for public sector industries

Future of Central Government

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Future of Healthcare

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Future of Local Government

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Future of Transport

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