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Pravna sigurnost, lakši pristup pravdi i zaštita prava svih građana ostaju prioriteti Srbije na putu ka EU, rečeno je na završnoj konferenciji projekta „EU za Srbiju – podrška tužilačkom sistemu“, koji finansira Evropska unija.

Događaj koji je održan 7. septembra 2023. godine u Beogradu, okupio je predstavnike tužilaštava u Srbiji, nacionalnih institucija i Delegacije EU u Srbiji.

„Ustavne promene i izmene niza pravosudnih zakona označavaju najznačajniju reformu u vladavini prava. Ovaj je projekat od samog početka implementiran tako da ove promene podrži. Ono što bih posebno htela da istaknem je da je zahvaljujući ovom projektu došlo do bliže saradnje između Ministarstva pravde i Visokog saveta tužilaštva“, rekla je Jelena Deretić, pomoćnica ministra pravde.

Amandmanima na Ustav Republike Srbije ojačana je samostalnost javnog tužilaštva. Posebno se to odnosi na postupak izbora glavnih javnih tužilaca i javnih tužilaca, koji je sada u celosti u nadležnosti Visokog saveta tužilaštva. Povrh toga, ono što dodatno utiče na samostalnost javnih tužilaca je odredba novog člana Ustava, po kojoj je funkcija javnog tužioca stalna.

„Rezultati koje smo postigli kroz projekat „EU za Srbiju – podrška tužilačkom sistemu“ imaće duboki uticaj na rad javnog tužilaštva, a posebno Visokog saveta tužilaštva, koje je danas u mnogo boljem stanju nego što je to bilo pre dve i po godine, kada je projekat počeo. Zahvaljujući ovom projektu, pripremljen je niz analiza i preporuka koje će dovesti do unapređenja tužilačkog sistema. Međutim, ono što bih posebno izdvojio je Informacioni sistem za unapređenje upravljanja ljudskim resursima i finansijama, koji je već u primeni od prošle godine. Ovaj sistem je kroz projekat pripremljen za potrebe Visokog saveta tužilaštva i Ministarstva pravde, i zamenio je dosadašnje ručno prikupljanje i agregaciju podataka prilikom planiranja budžeta tužilaštava. Na taj način se procesi ubrzavaju, greške smanjuju, a efikasnost tužilačkog sistema se povećava“, rekao je Branko Stamenković, predsednik Visokog saveta tužilaštva. „Kroz ovaj projekat smo uspeli da osnažimo naše kapacitete, ostvarimo ozbiljne rezultate, a imali smo i divnu saradnju sa projektnim timom i ekspertima na projektu. Ovaj projekat će sigurno ostaviti traga u smislu veće pravne sigurnosti, a time i doprineti boljem životu građana“, zaključio je Stamenković. 

 „Pravosudne reforme su važne za građane Srbije, donose nezavisnije sudstvo i samostalnije tužilaštvo, a vladavina prava ostaje osnovni stub evropskih integracija Srbije. Ovaj projekat, koji je finansiran sredstvima EU, bio je koncipiran tako da se ove reforme podrže i ostvari što veća samostalnost i odgovornost tužilačkog sistema“, poručio je predstavnik Delegacije EU u Srbiji, Đulio Zani.

„Nove nadležnosti usled ustavnih promena zahtevaju i jačanje kapaciteta Visokog saveta tužilaštva, ali i svih tužilaca u našoj zemlji. Kroz projekat smo imali prilike da razgovaramo i o potrebama za obukama tužilaca i obaveznom broju obuka, na osnovu čega će Pravosudna akademija moći da pripremi i realizuje set obuka za tužioce“, rekao je Nenad Vujić, direktor Pravosudne akademije.

„Bilo mi je zadovoljstvo što sam imao prilike da radim na ovom projektu. Ono na šta sam posebno ponosan jeste očigledno zadovoljstvo institucija koje su bile korisnici projekta, i što je projekat pripremljen tako da odgovara njihovim potrebama. Analize koje smo pripremili kroz projekat biće korisne prilikom usklađivanja podzakonskih akata sa novim zakonskim rešenjima i sigurno će dovesti do unapređenja tužilačkog sistema u Srbiji. Posebno mi je zadovoljstvo bio rad na pripremi tužilačkog dela Strategije ljudskih resursa u pravosuđu za period 2022-26“, zaključio je Ivan Crnčec, vođa tima projekta.

Projekat „EU za Srbiju – podrška tužilačkom sistemu“, implementiran je u periodu od marta 2021. godine do septembra 2023. Ukupna vrednost projekta je bila 1.46 miliona evra, a projekat je imao za cilj da ojača strateško planiranje, upravljanje ljudskim resursima,  finansije i karijerno napredovanje tužilaca.  Korisnici projekta bili su Vrhovno javno tužilaštvo, Visoki savet tužilaštva i Ministarstvo pravde.


Protection of citizens' rights - Serbia's priority on the road to the EU

Legal certainty, easier access to justice and the protection of the rights of all citizens remain Serbia's priorities on the road to the EU, it was said at the final conference of the project "EU for Serbia - Support to the Prosecutorial System", funded by the European Union.

The event, which was held on September 7, 2023, in Belgrade, brought together representatives of prosecutor's offices in Serbia, national institutions and the EU Delegation in Serbia.

"Constitutional changes and amendments to a number of judicial laws mark the most significant reform in the rule of law." This project has been implemented from the very beginning to support these changes. I would like to emphasise in particular that thanks to this project, closer cooperation between the Ministry of Justice and the High Prosecution Council took place," said Jelena Deretić, assistant to the Minister of Justice.

Amendments to the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia strengthened the independence of the public prosecutor's office. In particular, this refers to the selection process of chief public prosecutors and public prosecutors, which is now entirely under the jurisdiction of the High Prosecution Council. On top of that, what additionally affects the independence of public prosecutors is the provision of the new article of the Constitution, according to which the function of the public prosecutor is permanent.

"The results we achieved through the project "EU for Serbia - Support to the Prosecutorial System" will have a profound impact on the work of the public prosecution, and especially the High Prosecution Council, which is in a much better condition today than it was two and a half years ago when the project started. Thanks to this project, a series of analyses and recommendations have been prepared to improve the prosecution system. However, what I would like to single out in particular is the Information System for the improvement of human resources and financial management, which has been in use since last year. This system was prepared through the project for the needs of the High Prosecution Council and the Ministry of Justice and replaced the previous manual collection and aggregation of data when planning the budget of prosecution offices. In this way, processes are accelerated, errors are reduced, and the efficiency of the prosecution system is increased," said Branko Stamenković, president of the High Prosecution Council. "Through this project, we managed to strengthen our capacities, achieve serious results, and we had wonderful cooperation with the project team and experts on the project. "This project will certainly leave a mark in terms of greater legal certainty, and thus contribute to a better life for citizens," concluded Stamenković.

 "Judicial reforms are important for the citizens of Serbia; they bring a more independent judiciary and a more independent prosecutor's office, and the rule of law remains a fundamental pillar of Serbia's European integration." This project was designed to support these reforms and achieve the greatest possible independence and responsibility of the prosecution system," said the representative of the EU Delegation in Serbia, Giulio Zani.

"The new competencies due to the constitutional changes require the strengthening of the capacity of the High Prosecution Council, but also of all prosecutors in our country. Through the project, we had the opportunity to discuss the needs for prosecutors' training and the mandatory number of trainings, based on which the Judicial Academy will be able to prepare and implement a set of trainings for prosecutors," said Nenad Vujić, Director of the Judicial Academy.

"It was a pleasure to have the opportunity to work on this project. I am particularly proud of the obvious satisfaction of the institutions that were the beneficiaries of the project, and that the project was prepared to meet their needs. The analyses we have prepared through the project will be useful when harmonising by-laws with new legal solutions and will certainly lead to the improvement of the prosecution system in Serbia. I was particularly pleased to work on preparing the prosecutor's part of the Strategy of Human Resources in the Judiciary for 2022-26", concluded Ivan Crnčec, the project team leader.

The project "EU for Serbia - Support to the Prosecutorial System" was implemented in the period from March 2021 to September 2023. The total value of the project was 1.46 million euros, and the project aimed to strengthen the strategic planning, human resource and financial management, and career development of prosecutors. The beneficiaries of the project were the Supreme Public Prosecution, the High Prosecution Council and the Ministry of Justice.